Millions of people spend hour on top of countless hour on social media. whether they are looking for something or someone, the thrust for information flows through all of us. When you meet someone successful you assume they have some secret or an abundance of knowledge but that’s a stereotype and could be further from the truth than you might think. See information is like a key, it’s completely useless if you don’t know what door it opens but having the key and not only knowing what doors it open but knowing when to open them and who it hold them open for, that’s one thing that successful people understand.
It’s astonishing the amount of information people possess and hold on to that someone else would pay good money for. The same thing applies with the people you know. If you know someone that has some information or is fluent in their skill set, then utilize them. To successful people knowing someone reliable that holds unique information or is an expert in their field is like money in the bank. To them, knowing someone personally, that is running an established business or is good at a trade is almost like having a side hustle but to a businessman, that may be an opportunity for their company to expand the range of services they provide.
I started out in the graphic design business and when I realized my position on the totem pole was low due to my company playing only a single part in a project that may consist of four or five different sub-contractors. What I didn’t know then was that I didn’t have to know how to actually do all of the work the other companies were doing, I only needed the information of the person who was doing it.+-
Books will always be a great place to search for information and of course, the internet is the most convenient but building a relationship with someone that has real-world experience is a whole different level of learning. Now back to the stereotype that successful people have an abundance of information should be a little more clear that you don’t need to know everything, you just need to know someone who does. Later in this book, we will be talking about ( The Middleman ) and the role he plays in putting together deals and connecting people and businesses that compliments one another.
Obtaining and knowing how to use the right information is a billion-dollar business in itself, just ask the CEO of Alphabet Inc, ( Google ) Sundar Pichai. He has consistently figured out ways of getting the worlds not only personal but private information and it’s all on a volunteer basis. Incredible!
Facebook has shown us the real power of information and how the misuse of it can provoke wars or rig elections in other countries but it also has been used to prevent terrorist attacks and save countless lives by sharing medical thesis. Using it as an entrepreneur is certainly one of your most important tools because it’s a lot of it and it’s out there for the finding.
A great example of how a person may use information to thrive that may seem to be somewhat useless to another person is PLR ( Private Label Rights ). PLR content is digital products like ebooks, video, audio, software, etc… that can legally be resold and distributed and even in some cases edited to become your own content. Some of the ways that entrepreneurs and businesses use PLR content is by added it to existing products or services to increase the value or to drive traffic to their site or establishment.
Let us say I’m Joe Carpet and I was having a website built for my business but I don’t have the time to write about all of the services I provide but carpentry is a pretty standard practice trade so finding general information about the carpentry business should be fairly easy but to stand out and prevent plagiarism you need something pretty unique and private label content answers that. Another way is, say I just hired a couple of guys that’s not as skilled as I would like, lot’s of PLR content are full video training series which you can use to train staff on certain skill sets or how to use certain tools. Some niches have been around so long that’s it’s tons of information on the subject and some are especially easy to find when you’re looking for a profession as old as carpentry.
PRL companies exist because they know that most people in business just want to run their business and not worry about creating content. Some information doesn’t change, like searching for how to change a flat tire or maintaining a healthy diet, you will pretty much come across the same information just from different sources. You ever wondered why so many people have an expert opinion on so many topics? It’s because other people give it to them. People naturally take in the information that’s placed in front of them and everybody receives information differently so knowing what to do with the information you have or have access to can possibly change your entire business and the way you think about who you meet and what they might know.